13 September 2012


      A few weeks ago me and Star decided to turn my pool into a huge bubble bath.  Since it's the end of the swimming season, we might as well have fun.  So, I unhooked the filters and stuff that would get harmed by soap and we just started pouring in soap using the hose to make it all bubbly.  It worked out pretty well and was really fun.  Whenever the bubbles started to die out we would just start kicking like crazy and make a ton more bubbles.  No one else in the house would get in with us.  They kept saying we were stupid and weird.  But who doesn't like bubble baths?  Crazy people. 

      I have been obsessed with this picture ever since I saw it a month or so ago.  I freaking love the deer....  I deer you....  It just fits so well.  I love it oh so much.  The deer is so adorable and angry looking.  I wish I could pet it.  I've started keeping a folder of cute pictures on my desktop that I find on the internets...  I never really bothered doing that before but lately there have been a few things I really have enjoyed looking at and wanted to keep.
     I recently stole this picture from my friend's facebook because she had just made it her cover photo.  It's a picture of the J.SLAB...  We started calling ourselves that a long time ago.  It's the first letter of each of our names.  We used to hang out all the time.  Go camping, to the movies or just have party/sleepovers at Jon's house.  From left to right: Brad, Jon, Adele, Lauren, and I'm in the back leaning on the back of the couch.  I'm pretty sure the picture is from New Years Eve or the day after from 2009/2010.  It was a fun party.

     I found this photo on my old DeviantArt site.  It's from around 2005 when my sister, on the right, was sixteen and getting her tattoo for her birthday.  From left to right it's Ginna, me, and Lauren.  It was a lot of fun.  Ginna took a lot of embarrassing photos of Lauren making horribly ugly faces while she was in pain.  They're funny pics.  I wonder where those ended up.  Most likely on another hard drive I can't access at the moment due to my current tower not operating properly. 

     I've been feeling a bit nostalgic lately.  It's pretty lonely on the opposite end of the country far away from my friends and family.  My friend Ginna's baby is getting really big and I haven't seen them since January.  We all used to be extremely close and see each other weekly.

     On to current events...  Yesterday, our neighbors house burned down.  Fire Marshall or whatever is saying it was most likely caused by faulty wiring.  His house and the few surrounding house including ours all have the same landlord.  He put some new wiring in our house at least.  They're thinking the faulty wiring and the faulty wiring having insulation put over it recently caused the fire...  Honestly, I'm glad.  He was a loud and terrible neighbor.  He's a drug dealer and we all share the same yard and drive way.  So his clients were constantly driving in and parking all over the place, trapping us in and hitting on car on multiple occasions.  Which, I really hate it when someone does something to my car.  I've had problems with car vandals in the past and it was infuriating.  But yeah...  So that means there won't be anymore random junkies in our driveway hitting my car or blocking me in for hours.  And all day everyday he would be playing with a retarded air horn and megaphone and his loud annoying car horn.  He would be messing with them from around 8 in the morning until late at night.  Drove me up a wall since I sleep during the day.  Needless to say, I hated the neighbor.  So hopefully the landlord will decide to just tear it down instead of rebuilding it.  I think he will opt for tearing it down and keeping the insurance money.  I don't think he really likes being a landlord anyways.  Eh, whatever.

     And to end on a cute note.  Sophie was sitting in the corner like this all day.  He keeps watching for nonexistent mice behind our tv.  Ignore the paper towel on the floor(which is still there) I really need to pick that up.  But yeah, he was literally sitting in the corner all day and night.  It was adorable.  

11 August 2012

Honestly, Lying is Silly

        My sister seems to think it's funny to lie to me about things I can make a quick phone call about to find the truth.  The other day she called me to tell me she was going up to our mother's grave to add flowers and such.  At the same time she was informing me that she was going to visit our Pop(grandfather on our mother's side).  She also stated that he had recently gotten very sick and is dieing.  That horrified me quite a bit and since I'm in a different time zone I had to wait until the next day to call him and verify.  The last time I had talked to him was a few weeks ago.  Back then he said he was a little achy but nothing serious and that his back hurts a lot, and now he doesn't have the ability to mow the lawn anymore...  He's 80 years old...  I don't think many 80 year olds are still mowing their own yards anyway.  That, I would believe, is fairly normal.  So I talked to him yesterday around 10am his time, 7am my time.  Turns out he's feeling great, hasn't felt this good in a while.  We chatted a bit about San Francisco and his time in the Navy when he visited there.  Was telling me about the horrible storms he was getting in his area.  But he didn't suddenly become horribly sick and dieing.  Which that was very relieving.  Sometimes I wish my sister would just keep her mouth shut.  She also said she was going to visit him for a few days.  He told me about how she visited him for a few hours and she just left his house and had no clue where she went.  When she just went like 15 minutes away to stay at our mom's friend's house for a week and not see him or speak to him again.  Now I know for a fact that she rarely ever even calls him.  He usually sounds a little hurt or sad over that alone.  But when he told me she only stayed at his place for a few hours when she was up there for a week he sounded really upset.  And that really upsets me.  It's bad enough she lies to me about that stuff but treating Pop like that is evil.  It kind of makes me want to cry.  She's a spoiled brat.  Whenever I call Pop he says every time that he hasn't heard from my sister in months.  When we had insuarnce money coming in he heard from her weekly.  She's a terrible person.

Okay, I'm done ranting.

        Nothing has been going on really.  I let Star cut my hair so it's all evened out.  It's terribly short in the front.  I just want it all to grow out the same length for a change.  I'll post pics later of it.  When she had it straightened out it looked like a page boy cut.  It still does when it's messy, but I like it better when it's messy.  It's supposed to get to 105degrees Fahrenheit today.  So, I will most definitely be getting in the pool in a bit.  It's only at 78degrees so far.  So maybe in an hour or two I'll get in.  Nothing else to say.  Just needed to vent.  Posting vaguely about it on facebook isn't as fulfilling as a long vent.  

05 August 2012

Nothing new...

Honestly, I am just trying to post on this regularly...  I did so well at the beginning.  But it was mostly for ranting/venting.  I'm pretty sure I've stated this before but, I'm going to try and post more positively.  I just need to get back to taking pictures again.  I haven't used any of my cameras in about a month.  Nothing really going on at the moment.  I played Minecraft on the Xbox360 for a few hours.  It has this terrible auto-save feature that saves every half hour.  I was mining in a cave...  I mined down underneath me one and dropped down, and while in mid-air the auto-save kicked in.  It saved over my original save and then I dropped in the lava...  So all the diamonds I had just mined are gone.  T.T  Made me sad..  I just thought it was funny that the auto-save saved right when I was dropping into the lava.  In Minecraft, if you die, you respawn on the surface but all of your inventory is gone.  On another note, I'm still working on cleaning the kitchen.  I've been scrubbing the counter daily.  In a typical home it wouldn't need to be scrubbed so much, but everyone here spills huge messes of food and Kool-Aid drinks and don't even bother to throw the food away or wipe up the drink.  They literally leave a huge pile of food on the counter all day.  It's quite gross.  I don't like touching things like that, so I just take a sponge and push it off the counter on to the floor for the gross dogs to eat.  I'm almost completely caught up on all the horrid dishes.  I washed 3 loads of dishes this morning.  Probably about 3 more loads left yet.  I hope to finish it all tonight.  Then I can give the stove top a much needed scrubbing.  They have so much food caked on to it, even though I washed it a few days ago, that the burners take forever to light.  Oh wells.  Last night/around 1am this morning, I made chicken and broccoli alfredo with spaghetti noodles.  It was delicious.  I used jar alfredo sauce though.  I can't afford to buy all the ingredients to make it from scratch.  But it was still good.  Tonight is the night the NASA probe thing is landing on Mars.  Xbox360 has this app thing where you can watch it on the 360.  Me and Jeremy plan to watch it tonight.  I can't wait.  I hope it's as cool as it sounds.  Okies, I guess that's all for today.  I'm going to take pictures today.

04 August 2012


Monterey Bay Aquarium was great.  The Asilomar Beach was great too.  Was rainy and windy on the beach, but it was so cool.  There was a humongous tree trunk just sitting there.  Still hating this household but trying to just grin a bare it.  Went to San Fran for a day..  The hills were so scary to drive.  I love the huge park they have there.  In June me, Jeremy, his brother, and mom went to Long Beach, CA to visit my boyfriend's grandparents he hadn't seen since he was a kid.  We stayed there for a few days.  The beach there was so nice.  Me and Jeremy played in the ocean for hours.  Then we all went to Vegas for a week to visit his aunts and uncles.  His aunt and uncle let me and Jeremy use their time share for a night.  It was so nice.  The pool was awesome there.  It was huge and had a neat waterfall you could go under.  I absolutely love swimming.  I set up a pool in the yard and got a salt water filter for it.  It keeps the water perfectly clear.  When I had a pool before my dad didn't let me run the filter...  So we were having to constantly empty it and refill it...  It would have been cheaper for him to just let me run the filter a few hours a day..  Eh, what do I know?  I've recently discovered Jamba Juice.  It's so delicious.

09 April 2012

Ahahahahahaha... Ignore the blog below this one.

Since that post:
-I was hospitalized for 2 weeks due to blindness.
-Cured the blindness for the most part, just have a bit of damage to my vision in my left eye kinda bad, but can deal with it.
-For now I'm just dealing with the people here until my boyfriend and I get our own apartment.

         Tomorrow we are finally going to get out and do some sight-seeing...  Well, technically the day after tomorrow..  We're planning on leaving at night so we don't have to deal with traffic.  We're going to Monterey Bay Aquarium.  And something about going to Asilomar beach the next day.  I'm going to buy a new camera tomorrow and take a million pictures.  I can't wait.  Then soon after that we are planning to go to San Fran.  Yay!  Finally getting around to doing stuff.  Then we need to go see the La Brea Tar Pits in LA.

20 October 2011

I hate it here.

I'm officially going blind.  I can't even read text messages anymore.  Everything on my computer is zoomed to max.  The people I'm living with are now unbearable.  I can't take it much more.  I'm soon getting a check from an insurance thing relating to my mom's death.  When I get that I'm going to go see San Fran and move the fuck back home.  The people here are the epitome of retarded.  One is always making excuses for the other two and then blaming it all on a neutral party.  The neutral party not ever doing anything wrong and barely ever being in the way.  She's typically gone for most of the month helping her elderly mom out.  It's irritating hearing the stupid bitch that like to make excuses for everyone blame everything on her behind her back.  I flipped.  Before I moved here I thought that the neutral party was going to be the biggest bitch because Diana spoke so horribly of her.  Turns out Diana needs to keep her fucking mouth shut.  I've been trying to keep out of the way.  Been trying to be optimistic.  I can't take living in such an awful household anymore.  The people here except for said neutral party and my boyfriend are inconsiderate retards.  And one of them is a legitimate retard..  But is one that can do stuff just chooses to be the biggest douche bag in the world.  And his whore has the largest sense of self entitlement I've ever seen.  I'm seriously ready to punch them all in their toothless, mostly toothless, and fat retarded bitch faces.  They are awful people.  How can Jeremy's aunt be such a genuinely kind person and have a sister that is such a horrible fake that I want to punch and old lady in the face..  I don't think I've ever wanted to hurt an elderly person ever.  And I was one of the angriest teenagers that wanted to punch everyone in the face.  I had given up that angry lifestyle years ago.  But now I can't help but be angry all the time.  I hate this feeling but I can't make it go away.  So, I'm going to go away.  I don't want to feel this angry all the time.  That's all I guess.  I just really needed to vent since I just got done yelling at Diana for badmouthing Crystal again and again. 

11 August 2011


        Jeremy and I were picking up medicine for his mom at Walgreen's and we found a baby penguin pillow pet for my large penguin pillow pet.  It's so cute that I had to get it.  Then we went to Winco to get ingredients for making chili.  I had planned to use my ground beef to make my sister's delicious version of shepherd's pie, but decided I wanted chili.  I hadn't made it in a long time.  It turned out really well though.  After cutting the habanero I stupidly itched the bridge of my nose, I figured it wasn't my eyes so it should be okay...  I was entirely wrong.  My eyes watered and the oils from the pepper went right into my left eye.  I don't think I've ever felt pain like that before.  The kitchen sink here is ghetto.  The faucet itself doesn't work, but the sprayer does.  It stings to spray your open eye with that alone, add the pepper oil and it's almost sickeningly painful.  I finally thought up the idea of filling a bowl with water and just soaking my whole face.  After a long time, almost a half hour, of dunking my head over and over, it finally stopped burning.  I found out something of interest though, if you keep your eye closed and just wish for it to go away you can cause permanent damage to your vision.  Luckily, after the initial shock, I started rinsing it out.  I had never experienced that before.  I'm usually pretty good about not itching my face while cutting hot peppers.  Annoying thing is before I started chopping I had contemplated putting on some vinyl gloves to prevent such an incident.  Needless to say, I put them on after that ordeal.

 This adorable creature almost gave me a heart attack earlier.  I had booted up this laptop and while I was closing some unnecessary programs, I happened to glance over just as Molly bit completely into my laptop charger, which is always plugged in due to poor battery life.  As she did that my computer completely lost all power and would not turn back on.  The only thing I could think of was that she shorted my laptop and that I was screwed.  There is no room for us to hook up a desktop anywhere in this hoarder's house.  After twenty minutes of crying and venting to my sister and father, still trying to turn it back on all the while, I thought to take out the battery and try starting it up.  It worked!  So I tried putting the battery back in and it's been running fine since.  I can typically deal without having a computer and internet.  But this place is very confining and incredibly boring.  I would be stuck watching Jeremy play video games all day, and I really don't have much fun doing that.

        I just downloaded a grammar checker because I'm a bit self conscious about my grammar usage, but it doesn't seem to be working.  Lame.  Growing up, I had switched schools very often and too often it was the same material I had been taught in English before.  Almost every school I attended only focused on vocabulary and spelling.  And all the schools had used the same vocabulary books.  So I often had to study the same exact book every year.  It was quite tedious.  And it made me fail the English part of the entrance exam at the community college.  I ended up having to take the remedial English class that didn't count for any credits.  I would have finished it that semester and been able to move on.  But I had to withdraw from school in the last few weeks due to horrible personal problems.  I was unintentionally pushed into going back to college the next semester but I could barely get up to go to class, or for anything.  I'm mostly over it now but once in a while, when I get too stressed, I relapse into not being able to do much of anything. 

        Enough of that, I haven't really done much yet today.  I washed and dried a few loads of laundry, did the dishes, watched a few episodes of 1000 Ways to Die.  I probably won't be leaving my room for a few more hours, when I have to cook dinner, being that there are the two idiots I wish to never see or hear.  My stress level has gone down rapidly since focusing more energy into ignoring their presence.  I had been literally, steadily going blind in both eyes for the past week or so.  I had gone to the hospital when it happened before.  They said it was caused by stress after a week of studying me.  It was quite awful.  Back then it was just a large black dot in my right eye.  This time it's in both eyes and it's several large dots in my right eye's line of sight and just one dot in the center.  They were completely black dots, but since my focusing on not stressing out, the dots have faded into a light fuzzy gray I can actually see through.  It is a little blurry but it is more manageable than it was the past week.  I was getting so irritable and snappy at Jeremy for no reason but my annoyance that I had let the others upset me to the point of going blind again.  I feel that in a few days the dots will be completely gone.  I just need to keep focusing on keeping my anger and thoughts in line.  I've actually been feeling pretty good lately, other than the vision.  I've also started taking fish oil, hoping that will help somehow.  I read that it helps regain brain function.  I have such a horrible memory.  I have this blog that I'm trying to update often mostly because of that.  If I don't update it often I literally can't remember half of what I had done the few days before.  I've also been wanting to get blueberries.  I had read another article about their properties of helping regain brain function as well.  It doesn't matter how active I keep my brain with reading and puzzle games, it still won't work how I want it to.  I'm trying to think of another way we could set up the bedroom so I could hook up my beloved Dance Dance Revolution so I can be more active in that way.  The streets around here are littered with homeless, junkies, and just people I don't want to walk past.  If it wasn't so annoying and gross just to drive down the street with all of that to view I would be fine with walking around the neighborhood.  But I'm not even comfortable leaving my room.  So that won't be happening anytime soon.